“Absolutely perfect! God is great! … And Wellspring is a well of love!”

Gratitude from the family member of a WGs resident

Wellspring Gardens provides a family care environment for Christian Scientists. Our family opens our community of homes to Christian Scientists seeking long-term or short-term lodging and various levels of care, from occasional help with activities to 24-hour skilled Christian Science nursing-based care.

Our community also provides a beautiful setting for rest-and-study retreats. We provide the services, assistance, and activities that allow our residents to focus on healing, growth, and increased spiritual understanding.

Our website is a place for us to share stories about the wonderful experiences we have at Wellspring Gardens and the progress that unfolds. You can read the latest of these stories below. We are so grateful for all the good we have to share and that you are here to enjoy it with us.


Christian Science is lovingly folded into everything we do at Wellspring Gardens. For example, during a recent cooking and math class, we baked and counted while working with the idea of “beauty, grandeur, order” expressed in Hymn 329.

Everyone is blessed by the loving and ongoing discipline of holding onto the Truth and good thoughts from God. A couple weeks ago everyone at Wellspring Gardens was working with the idea included in the Bible Lesson that week: “Love never loses sight of loveliness. Its halo rests upon its object” (Science and Health, p. 248).

We talked about a halo and thinking of ourselves and our friends with a halo around us and them. As ideas of God, it is always around us … protecting and guiding all.

That week a Wellspring Gardens resident and friend were walking in the neighborhood when they heard a very loud swoosh quickly followed by a very large tree branch falling just a couple steps right in front of them! They were safe and protected by that “halo”-thought, as was the car coming from the opposite direction. “Cared for, watched over, beloved and protected, Walk thou with courage each step of the way” (Hymn 278).

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Our gratitude is riches, Complaint is poverty,
Our trials bloom in blessings, They test our constancy.
O, life from joy is minted, An everlasting gold,
True gladness is the treasure That grateful hearts will hold.

Hymn 249


The richness expressed in gratitude is evident in all corners of Wellspring Gardens … mostly evident in the compassion and willingness to serve and help one another that is constantly being expressed by each resident. The other day, returning from grocery shopping, a resident walking by the garage reached out without hesitation and said, “Here, let me help you.”

Another couple of residents joyfully attend to the daily tasks of loading and unloading the dishwasher, setting the table, making lemonade. Not just doing these daily tasks, but doing so with joy and eagerness which warms our hearts and keep us on bended knees. We invite you to visit anytime to witness this love in action. In the meantime (until your visit) the next best thing might be photos of these expressions. Here’s a sample sharing of our homes which Love built and constantly moves us all forward with endless opportunity to express God’s love for His family of ideas …